Page rank is not a significant ranking factor?

The only experimental proof I’ve seen regarding the effects of domain page rank on Google search engine result positions. SEO experts in reputable SEO forums says page rank is not a significant ranking factor.

I have conducted a study to confirm if this is a fact, and it is. I sampled 25 different keywords at random and gather the top one URL until Position 50. 
The domain (homepage) page rank data are then gathered simultaneously from

Finally I then perform ANOVA (Analysis of variance) statistical analysis to compare the means of page rank each at Position 1, Position 2, Position three and so on until Position 50.If the result of the ANOVA is statistically different this means that domain page rank has some affect on Search engine rankings. If not, this is not a factor in ranking.
Please see below for the plot of the analysis:
Based on this plot, apparently the variations among the statmax (mean + standard deviation) and statmin(mean-standard deviation) are very similar. Graphically we can say domain page rank has no significant affect on Google ranking. Now, to confirm this, a ANOVA is conducted with the following hypothesis:
Null Hypothesis: Domain Page rank has no effect on Google search engine ranking.
Alternative Hypothesis: Domain page rank has effect on Google search engine ranking.
Confidence level: 95%
Rejection/Acceptance of Hypothesis Criteria:
1. Accept null hypothesis if anova p-value is greater than 0.05
2. Reject null hypothesis if anova p-value is less than 0.05
Below are the ANOVA result:
Based on the result, p-value is about 0.65 so it means to accept the null hypothesis that domain page rank has no effect in Google search engine ranking.
What this study suggests in your quest for high search engine ranking?
1. Do not be obsessed with domain page rank when you want to rank high in Google.
2. Do not focus on increasing your page rank to increase your ranking.
3. High page rank does not mean high relevance (as high position results in Google are high relevant results to a search query).

-@SEO Freelancer


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